
Medium square dancewithpanache final


Big square dancewithpanache final

Not Active in the last 12 months

Uttara Vaidya

Born and brought up in India Uttara started learning Indian Classical Dancing "Kathak" at the age of 9. After continuing her classical training in India for over 12 years, she came to United States in 2002 for future studies when she started exploring partner dancing leading to Ballroom dancing.

To Uttara, dancing is a form of meditation and her goal is to spread this feeling and promote fitness and stress relief in the form of dancing.


Born and brought up in India Uttara started learning Indian Classical Dancing "Kathak" at the age of 9. After continuing her classical training in India for over 12 years, she came to United States in 2002 for future studies when she started exploring partner dancing leading to Ballroom dancing.

To Uttara, dancing is a form of meditation and her goal is to spread this feeling and promote fitness and stress relief in the form of dancing.