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Rebecca Castaneda

After graduating from UMSL with a degree in Foreign Language and Literature, Becca realized that there were few options for kids and adults to receive supplemental language instruction at an affordable cost. She created Foreign Language Online, an online learning platform for live instruction in multiple languages. STL Spanish Classes was born out of FLO to be able to provide STL with practical options for learning Spanish. She has been working hard ever since to encourage language learning to as many as possible in the Metro area.


After graduating from UMSL with a degree in Foreign Language and Literature, Becca realized that there were few options for kids and adults to receive supplemental language instruction at an affordable cost. She created Foreign Language Online, an online learning platform for live instruction in multiple languages. STL Spanish Classes was born out of FLO to be able to provide STL with practical options for learning Spanish. She has been working hard ever since to encourage language learning to as many as possible in the Metro area.