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Prepper Tressa

Tressa Thomas is a self-taught prepper, survival enthusiast and project manager who has traveled the world, and experienced a variety of scenarios, including a mass shooting. She traveled abroad just weeks after 9/11, and trained extensively in disaster preparedness and emergency scenarios in Turku, Finland as part of the Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines staff. Now she wishes to share her extensive knowledge with others! Currently, Tressa is preparing to launch her own emergency preparedness blog and eCommerce store.


Tressa Thomas is a self-taught prepper, survival enthusiast and project manager who has traveled the world, and experienced a variety of scenarios, including a mass shooting. She traveled abroad just weeks after 9/11, and trained extensively in disaster preparedness and emergency scenarios in Turku, Finland as part of the Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines staff. Now she wishes to share her extensive knowledge with others! Currently, Tressa is preparing to launch her own emergency preparedness blog and eCommerce store.