
10 have dabbled

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Medium square screen shot 2018 02 20 at 9.44.53 am


10 have dabbled

Not Active in the last 12 months

Big square screen shot 2018 02 20 at 9.44.53 am

Not Active in the last 12 months

McCullough Kelly-Willis

McCullough moved to Chicago in 2013 and immediately started apprenticing at the Butcher & Larder. Having lived in Italy and France as a student and grown up with professional chef for a father, McCullough was always interested in food and cooking. The Butcher & Larder provided her with an excellent hands-on classroom to learn whole animal butchery and sausage and charcuterie making from some of Chicago's best cooks and butchers. After becoming a full-time employee in 2014, McCullough continued developing the charcuterie program as the company grew to join the new retail complex opened by Local Foods (1427 W Willow Street). There, she continued honing her skills as a butcher and began working on a dry curing program, eventually creating a unique and diverse array of dried salami and cured whole muscle salumi. Having moved on from the Butcher & Larder, McCullough is now excited to share her excitement about charcuterie and to make the skills and techniques she's learned accessible to home cooks.


McCullough moved to Chicago in 2013 and immediately started apprenticing at the Butcher & Larder. Having lived in Italy and France as a student and grown up with professional chef for a father, McCullough was always interested in food and cooking. The Butcher & Larder provided her with an excellent hands-on classroom to learn whole animal butchery and sausage and charcuterie making from some of Chicago's best cooks and butchers. After becoming a full-time employee in 2014, McCullough continued developing the charcuterie program as the company grew to join the new retail complex opened by Local Foods (1427 W Willow Street). There, she continued honing her skills as a butcher and began working on a dry curing program, eventually creating a unique and diverse array of dried salami and cured whole muscle salumi. Having moved on from the Butcher & Larder, McCullough is now excited to share her excitement about charcuterie and to make the skills and techniques she's learned accessible to home cooks.