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1 has dabbled

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Not Active in the last 12 months

Jeff Erion

Hi, thanks for stopping in. My name is Jeff Erion and I am a woodworker. For most of my career it has been a hobby, but now that I am free and clear from my corporate responsibilities, my passion has taken command of my daily focus, and man am I having fun. The corporate years were great for teaching me interaction and technical skills that would not have presented themselves otherwise. But fully embracing what I love most is great. Sharing what I know with others and building things that bring joy to friends, family and customers - well it just does not get any better.


Hi, thanks for stopping in. My name is Jeff Erion and I am a woodworker. For most of my career it has been a hobby, but now that I am free and clear from my corporate responsibilities, my passion has taken command of my daily focus, and man am I having fun. The corporate years were great for teaching me interaction and technical skills that would not have presented themselves otherwise. But fully embracing what I love most is great. Sharing what I know with others and building things that bring joy to friends, family and customers - well it just does not get any better.