
19 have dabbled

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19 have dabbled

Not Active in the last 12 months

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Not Active in the last 12 months

Jay Yearley

Jay Yearley is a designer and has created User Interfaces for Websites, mobile apps, online advertising and other digital projects for established clients.

He has a passion for regularly sharing insight with others, and has previously taught design online courses for a highly regarded design University. He also is a contributor to such publications as ChicagoNow.

Jay's previous design on digital projects from start to finish, and researching the users' experiences, has allowed him to refine the UX Design skill set. He uses UX Design to create User Interfaces which many people have enjoyed.


Jay Yearley is a designer and has created User Interfaces for Websites, mobile apps, online advertising and other digital projects for established clients.

He has a passion for regularly sharing insight with others, and has previously taught design online courses for a highly regarded design University. He also is a contributor to such publications as ChicagoNow.

Jay's previous design on digital projects from start to finish, and researching the users' experiences, has allowed him to refine the UX Design skill set. He uses UX Design to create User Interfaces which many people have enjoyed.