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5 have dabbled

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Not Active in the last 12 months

Jack Pochop

Oh, um, hi! Hello, come on in .

Glad you found your way here. Let me just move this...OK, great, have a seat!

You're probably reading this because you're interested in a class I'm offering and you want to know what you're getting yourself in to, or what crowd you might be running with. Hey, brother, I can appreciate that!

My name is Jack Pochop and I have 5+ years working in professional video production. You might be saying to yourself, "5 years? Well that ain't a whole lot, is it?" And you're right! I'm still learning, too.

But what I can say is that I've learned a lot in my five years and would love to pass some of that information on to you. I've worked under the tutelage of Robbie Benson (Beauty and the Beast, Ice Castles), and have assisted filmmaking classes at Indiana University. I have produced 3 original horror shorts, 1 of which was featured in the AV Club, and have since launched my own video production company, working with large brands like Royal Caribbean, Alamo Drafthouse, and Famous Dave's.

There are a few other accomplishments in there but I think you are probably cool on that information for now.

If you have any other questions about me, or a class I am offering, feel free to contact me via e-mail at jack@cartridgethunder.com


Oh, um, hi! Hello, come on in .

Glad you found your way here. Let me just move this...OK, great, have a seat!

You're probably reading this because you're interested in a class I'm offering and you want to know what you're getting yourself in to, or what crowd you might be running with. Hey, brother, I can appreciate that!

My name is Jack Pochop and I have 5+ years working in professional video production. You might be saying to yourself, "5 years? Well that ain't a whole lot, is it?" And you're right! I'm still learning, too.

But what I can say is that I've learned a lot in my five years and would love to pass some of that information on to you. I've worked under the tutelage of Robbie Benson (Beauty and the Beast, Ice Castles), and have assisted filmmaking classes at Indiana University. I have produced 3 original horror shorts, 1 of which was featured in the AV Club, and have since launched my own video production company, working with large brands like Royal Caribbean, Alamo Drafthouse, and Famous Dave's.

There are a few other accomplishments in there but I think you are probably cool on that information for now.

If you have any other questions about me, or a class I am offering, feel free to contact me via e-mail at jack@cartridgethunder.com