
Medium square 21430574 10209440064788985 2428249419680726545 n 5


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Not Active in the last 12 months

Iris Raabe

Hi everyone!
I've been always passionate about Traditional Chinese Medicine, Western herbalism and aroma since I was young. I started hand making skin care, beauty and wellness products with sustainably sourced organic or wild harvested ingredients in 2012. In 2017 I launched my organic herb infused skin care line, Mona Botanicals. I love sharing my knowledge and skills and love to continue learning holistic living and to help others as well.


Hi everyone!
I've been always passionate about Traditional Chinese Medicine, Western herbalism and aroma since I was young. I started hand making skin care, beauty and wellness products with sustainably sourced organic or wild harvested ingredients in 2012. In 2017 I launched my organic herb infused skin care line, Mona Botanicals. I love sharing my knowledge and skills and love to continue learning holistic living and to help others as well.