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Not Active in the last 12 months

Ine Van der Stock

Ine is a Tea Lover, a Born Traveler and a Happiness Finder.
As a teenager she started drinking black tea, made with the famous yellow Lipton bags. In her twenties she got lost in Beijing and asked for directions at a local market, where she also bought jasmine green tea. The best tea she'd ever drank. Since then, she has gotten hooked on green tea. Finally in 2013, in her home country Belgium, a 10-day tea course was created. As a certified tea connoisseur, Ine knows how to brew tea, and she loves to share her knowledge with you, because a good cup of tea is filled with happiness.


Ine is a Tea Lover, a Born Traveler and a Happiness Finder.
As a teenager she started drinking black tea, made with the famous yellow Lipton bags. In her twenties she got lost in Beijing and asked for directions at a local market, where she also bought jasmine green tea. The best tea she'd ever drank. Since then, she has gotten hooked on green tea. Finally in 2013, in her home country Belgium, a 10-day tea course was created. As a certified tea connoisseur, Ine knows how to brew tea, and she loves to share her knowledge with you, because a good cup of tea is filled with happiness.