Evie Yang | Color You Stunning™

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Evie Yang | Color You Stunning™

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Not Active in the last 12 months

Evie Yang | Color You Stunning™

Hi! I've been wearing makeup for 25 years now and when it comes to buying it... I've always been unsure and confused about which powder/foundation color is the right shade for me. I usually end up buying lipstick, blush, and eyeshadows colors that end up making me look washed out and or like a clown. The colors were beautiful but not when they were on my face.

It's been so frustrating because I want to look radiant and healthy with the clothes and makeup that I wear. Which colors flatter me and which ones make me look tired/sick?

I learned all of the above and became a Certified Color Analysis Consultant. Reach out for your precise color analysis. Included is your customized color palette guide.


Hi! I've been wearing makeup for 25 years now and when it comes to buying it... I've always been unsure and confused about which powder/foundation color is the right shade for me. I usually end up buying lipstick, blush, and eyeshadows colors that end up making me look washed out and or like a clown. The colors were beautiful but not when they were on my face.

It's been so frustrating because I want to look radiant and healthy with the clothes and makeup that I wear. Which colors flatter me and which ones make me look tired/sick?

I learned all of the above and became a Certified Color Analysis Consultant. Reach out for your precise color analysis. Included is your customized color palette guide.