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4 have dabbled

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Elizabeth Wasserman

Elizabeth Wasserman is a trained clinical psychotherapist, with a concentration in the healing arts. After obtaining her Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology in the United States, she became certified in Tomatis, Reiki, Huna, Drisana, and several other energy based healing modalities. Her passion evolved into working holistically, facilitating healing and transformation at the level of mind, body, and soul. After witnessing profound transformation in the people she worked with, she began offering workshops to teach people how to move from limitation to greater expanded states of being. In addition to community workshops, Elizabeth continues to offer individual sessions for healing and also transformational coaching via Vsee. Each session is intuitively guided and unique to each client.


Elizabeth Wasserman is a trained clinical psychotherapist, with a concentration in the healing arts. After obtaining her Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology in the United States, she became certified in Tomatis, Reiki, Huna, Drisana, and several other energy based healing modalities. Her passion evolved into working holistically, facilitating healing and transformation at the level of mind, body, and soul. After witnessing profound transformation in the people she worked with, she began offering workshops to teach people how to move from limitation to greater expanded states of being. In addition to community workshops, Elizabeth continues to offer individual sessions for healing and also transformational coaching via Vsee. Each session is intuitively guided and unique to each client.