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5 have dabbled

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Not Active in the last 12 months

Elaine Soloway


Elaine Soloway is a mature techie, former part-time specialist at the Old Orchard Apple Store, and a very patient teacher. She is a public relations specialist, author of the memoirs, "Green Nails and Other Acts of Rebellion: Life After Loss," “The Division Street Princess,” and an e-novel, “She’“She’s Not The Type,” and the writer of several blogs, including “Never Too Old To Talk Tech,” "The Hometown Rookie," "The Rookie Transplant," “The Rookie Widow,” and “The Rookie Caregiver.”

Soloway is also a social media maven, with more than 2,500 Friends on Facebook, and pages on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.



Elaine Soloway is a mature techie, former part-time specialist at the Old Orchard Apple Store, and a very patient teacher. She is a public relations specialist, author of the memoirs, "Green Nails and Other Acts of Rebellion: Life After Loss," “The Division Street Princess,” and an e-novel, “She’“She’s Not The Type,” and the writer of several blogs, including “Never Too Old To Talk Tech,” "The Hometown Rookie," "The Rookie Transplant," “The Rookie Widow,” and “The Rookie Caregiver.”

Soloway is also a social media maven, with more than 2,500 Friends on Facebook, and pages on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.