DenArt Body Painting Studio

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DenArt Body Painting Studio

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Not Active in the last 12 months

DenArt Body Painting Studio

DenArt studio is the first retail body painting studio in NY. We are the first company that make the body painting experience available for the general public, where anyone can just come in and experience body painting then photographed. Before we came into the picture, this kind of experience was only available for professional models as part of elaborate productions. In addition to our passion in creating beautiful and engaging art to empower the public, DenArt studio aspires to inspire other artists to experiment with new ways to monetize their talents so they can create more art.


DenArt studio is the first retail body painting studio in NY. We are the first company that make the body painting experience available for the general public, where anyone can just come in and experience body painting then photographed. Before we came into the picture, this kind of experience was only available for professional models as part of elaborate productions. In addition to our passion in creating beautiful and engaging art to empower the public, DenArt studio aspires to inspire other artists to experiment with new ways to monetize their talents so they can create more art.