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Dani Espinosa

Dani is absolutely passionate about the path to health through Natural Medicine. As a Master Touch Reflexologist in Denver, Colorado, she has witnessed time and time again the power Reflexology has not only on her own health but on clients that have come to see her. When she is not practicing Reflexology, Dani is a full-time student at both the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and the School of Natural Medicine Boulder. She is pursuing a degree as a Health Coach and a diploma as a Naturopath.


Dani is absolutely passionate about the path to health through Natural Medicine. As a Master Touch Reflexologist in Denver, Colorado, she has witnessed time and time again the power Reflexology has not only on her own health but on clients that have come to see her. When she is not practicing Reflexology, Dani is a full-time student at both the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and the School of Natural Medicine Boulder. She is pursuing a degree as a Health Coach and a diploma as a Naturopath.