
3 have dabbled

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Medium square me


3 have dabbled

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Big square me

Not Active in the last 12 months

Dan Mac Donald

Dan graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Boston University in 2010. Since his undergraduate years at BU, he has been teaching art classes and lessons in a wide range of media including painting, screenprinting and graphic design. He believes in empowering his students to push their abilities and get excited about making art, and he always creates a fun and stress-free environment for his students to learn in.


Dan graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Boston University in 2010. Since his undergraduate years at BU, he has been teaching art classes and lessons in a wide range of media including painting, screenprinting and graphic design. He believes in empowering his students to push their abilities and get excited about making art, and he always creates a fun and stress-free environment for his students to learn in.