
Medium square dsc 3531


Big square dsc 3531

Not Active in the last 12 months

Audrey Ko

Hi there! My name is Audrey Ko, and I am a watercolorist and letterer/calligrapher. I first started becoming interested when my grandmother passed away in May 2016. She was a watercolorist, specializing in florals. I continued to explore my creative and artistic side, and started painting and writing to honor her memory.

I'm also a trained educator, so this is the perfect platform to showcase my passion for art and teaching to you. After taking my courses, I hope you are inspired to explore your creative self!

Check out my work on Instagram and Etsy: @ThingsUnseenDesigns.


Hi there! My name is Audrey Ko, and I am a watercolorist and letterer/calligrapher. I first started becoming interested when my grandmother passed away in May 2016. She was a watercolorist, specializing in florals. I continued to explore my creative and artistic side, and started painting and writing to honor her memory.

I'm also a trained educator, so this is the perfect platform to showcase my passion for art and teaching to you. After taking my courses, I hope you are inspired to explore your creative self!

Check out my work on Instagram and Etsy: @ThingsUnseenDesigns.