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Angela Jensen

Meet Angela Jensen:
Angela has been a Licensed and Practicing Esthetician for 25 years. She has worked in retail beauty, medical settings, spa settings, taught various industry topics to her peers, and is currently a business owner in private practice. Angela holds a B.A. in Women’s Health and M.A. in Holistic Health and Wellness. Angela is passionate about helping you look your best and has the know-how to make it happen. She uses "green" skincare techniques that are both good for you and the world around you. Angela co-authored “The Complete Idiot's Guide to Better Skin” and specializes in working to improve skin naturally.


Meet Angela Jensen:
Angela has been a Licensed and Practicing Esthetician for 25 years. She has worked in retail beauty, medical settings, spa settings, taught various industry topics to her peers, and is currently a business owner in private practice. Angela holds a B.A. in Women’s Health and M.A. in Holistic Health and Wellness. Angela is passionate about helping you look your best and has the know-how to make it happen. She uses "green" skincare techniques that are both good for you and the world around you. Angela co-authored “The Complete Idiot's Guide to Better Skin” and specializes in working to improve skin naturally.