Paleo for Beginners

13 Have Dabbled

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Event Category

Fitness & Wellness

Event Overview

Tired of dieting over and over again but it never seems to stick? What if you could naturally change what you enjoyed eating, so that the foods you wanted actually made you healthier? And what if you could eliminate the symptoms of your medical condition (IBS, constipation, gas, acid reflux, asthma, Fibromyalgia) just by changing what you eat?

Students will learn the basics of the paleo diet and how food choices affect your health, even if you don't notice their effects immediately. Students will learn how to switch from their current standard American Diet (SAD) to a paleo diet: How to meal plan, grocery shop, navigate restaurant menus and social situations.

Students will also receive a packet full of resources, recommended reading (both books and web sources), as well as a 2 week beginner meal plan and some basic recipes to get them started.

Minimum age

All ages welcome


Students should bring notepad and a writing utensil to take notes. Handouts will be provided.

Cancellation Policy


Rachel is a 20-something former competitive dancer who was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2010. This little known condition causes extreme chronic pain and currently has no cure. After switching to the paleo diet, her pain began to disappear. So did stomach issues such as gas or bloating. And in 2012, her asthma disappeared too.

Rachel is a strong advocate for the paleo diet and how it can be used as "Nutritional Therapy" to help manage medical conditions. You can follow her journey at


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    Judy R.
    Reviewed on 04/24/13

    Great seminar to get the fundamentals of Paleo and why it's a good diet to follow. Rachel not only put together all of the information and resources to do it, she did it from a budget conservative perspective so all of the resources are free and readily available.

    Great seminar to get the fundamentals of Paleo and why it's a good diet to follow. Rachel not only put together all of the information and resources to do it, she did it from a budget conservative perspective so all of the resources are free and readily available.

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