
Medium square 20181004 131147 001


Big square 20181004 131147 001

Not Active in the last 12 months

Master Anthony Parlade

I am a 35 years old Filipino, with an AA in Psychology, and I am nice, friendly, kind, I enjoy teaching and helping people out, even young kids. I have a lot of patience in teaching and helping out when needed, I am passionate about it. I teach Tennis, HTML WEB DESIGN, e-mail marketing/list building, Math, video and photos shop editing.


I am a 35 years old Filipino, with an AA in Psychology, and I am nice, friendly, kind, I enjoy teaching and helping people out, even young kids. I have a lot of patience in teaching and helping out when needed, I am passionate about it. I teach Tennis, HTML WEB DESIGN, e-mail marketing/list building, Math, video and photos shop editing.