Defense Against Knives - Women LGBTQ Exclusive

Event Category

Fitness & Wellness

Event Overview

Knives bring an enormous degree of gravity to a conflict, are commonly used in coercion, and are choice instruments for attackers because of their silence and capacity for intimidation. We invite you to join us in a safe and affirming environment as we discus some of the key dynamics that can allow you to neutralize the lethality of an attack, and walk away from awful circumstances.

You will learn:
• How to control distance and footing.
• The stages of an attack, and how to deal with them.
• Disarming techniques.
• The difference between a standing fight and a grapple - with knives.
• As well as a brief introduction into the knife as a defensive weapon.

This class is hands-on and interactive from beginning to end. Please wear gym/work-out clothing. Bring water, inhalers and anything you need to feel comfortable. This class can be serious, as well as light hearted. No judgment or criticism will be allowed. All participants should be ready for crying and laughter, possibly in close succession – as this curriculum often elicits strong emotional reactions.

The course is reserved for women and the LGBTQ community because those individuals are disproportionately targeted by violent predators. Correspondingly, the technical basis of the class pertains specifically to combating sexual violence, and domination based violence. Inclusion in the class is based on personal identification.

Minimum age

All ages welcome

Cancellation Policy

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Deacon developed this curriculum with some consulting help from Colorado Anti-Violence Program organizers about five years ago. Since that time the material has reached people in heart wrenching need, who have experienced some impressive triumphs.

While this subject can seem quite grim, often when one looks a monster in the face it loses some of it's mystery. This class is an opportunity for anyone with a fear of violence in general - or knives in particular - to de-mystify the danger, and grow through it.