Better your Relationships!

Event Category

Fitness & Wellness

Event Overview

Ever notice how different or similar your family, friends, co-workers can be from you?
If you are like me, you have asked yourself, "Why did they do that?" or "What were they thinking?"
Think about how much time we spend talking about people. Experiences we had with a person. Whether the experiences are for better or for worse. We spend our waking hours communicating with others and at times thinking about how we are going to communicate with others.

What is DISC?
It is a powerful way to understand people, their personality types, and the communication that goes with it!
Each Person has Unique Personality Traits
• Each person's perspective is built into who they are.
• Some people call it “personality” and some refer to it as “temperament.”
The starting point of understanding people is to realize and accept one simple fact:
Everyone is not exactly like you!
Have you ever said the same thing to two people and received two totally different reactions? How can saying the same words produce such different results? Each person “heard” you differently based on his or her personality style! You said the same thing, but what they "heard" was different.
Different is not bad, it is just different! A lack of understanding of ourselves and others can lead to real problems such as tension, disappointment, hurt feelings, unmet expectations and poor communication. As you know, it is hard to work with a problem, especially if you do not understand what is going on inside the

Minimum age

All ages welcome

Cancellation Policy

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Education, research, & certifications in communication studies: Interpersonal, Small Group, Leadership, Inter culture, Public Speaking.

Passionate about the importance and benefits of self-awareness combined with communication. Learning about communication is the basic foundation (like any great home being built!) to building better interpersonal relationships; platonic, work place, family, and romantic!

Human beings are social creates. One of our basic needs is belonging. The NEED to belong. We NEED relationships to survive. It is apart of our basic human nature. Don't deny it. Embrace it!

Join me in a short (and cheap!) tutorial about how, why, who, & what makes you communicate the way you do! Remember, it is all about you...and it's all about embracing important relationships!

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