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Feng Shui Mosaic Horse Sculpture

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Event Category

Arts & DIY

Event Overview

I have discovered a small, really cool abstract horse sculpture to use as a base for tiny mosaic work. I will have all materials needed and a sculpture for everyone to work on all you need to bring is a tweezer to pick up small pieces of glass and bobbles.  I need some lead time to order the horse sculptures, so sign up 2 weeks in advance please.  This Feng Shui form is said to be a good luck charm to have in your home and is a very interesting and sweet object espically with your own mosaic work. We will meet at my studio Saturday afternoon for 3 hours to encrust the horse and you will also have grout to do at home.

My studio is comfortable, safe and I play good music while we work......come join us.....Create, it's good for the soul!


Minimum age

All ages welcome

What's Provided

All materials: horse sculpture, luminous stained glass, small glass pieces, glue and grout.

What You Can Expect From This Experience
  • Create
  • Community
  • Local Artist
Cancellation Policy

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I am a professional mosaic artist and teacher. I attended the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and have worked in the arts all my life. I do mosaic work for private homes, public art and commercial spaces as well as teach children and adults the unique art of Mosaics.

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